By ALPHONSE BARIASI and pictures by JOSEPHINE YAGA of NARIBanks, farm equipment suppliers, research organisations and farmers turned up in numbers to display their products and services at the biggest-ever Agriculture Innovations Show at Bubia outside Lae last Friday,
The National reports.
Vegetable display by ROC Taiwan Technical Mission during the Agricultural Innovations Show in Lae last Friday |
Hundreds of farmers, school children and policy makers mingled to observe, ask questions and buy fresh produce and other agricultural items at the seventh agriculture innovations show organised by the National Agriculture Research Institute.
A sawmill display during the Agricultural Innovations Show in Lae last Friday |
School children attracted the attention of Morobe Governor, Luther Wenge, who said the very presence and interest displayed of the young generation was very encouraging.
AgMark exhibition at the Agricultural Innovations Show in Lae last Friday |
Keynote speaker, Prof David Kavanamur commended NARI for releasing 27 technologies that had been adopted across the country, thereby contributing to improved livelihoods and incomes of rural people.
Anna Kawi of NARI explains a biological control for chromolaena weed to students during the Agricultural Innovations Show in Lae last Friday |
Kavanamur is the director general of the Office of Higher Education and prior to that was team leader of the government’s Vision 2050.
Demonstrating the rope and washer pump technology by NARI during the Agricultural Innovations Show in Lae last Friday |
He said that progress through agriculture development was essential if PNG was to realise Vision 2050 and become a wealthy, healthy and prosperous nation.
Dr Birte Komolong of NARI sharing information with VIPS, guests and farmers during the Agricultural Innovations Show in Lae last Friday |
“Broad-based socio-economic growth can only be prospered through agriculture and hence the need for investment in innovative agriculture,” Kavanamur said.
Farm equipment and implements on display during the Agricultural Innovations Show in Lae last Friday by agri-businesses and suppliers |
“Indeed innovative agriculture is the roadmap for achieving Vision 2050 to benefit all Papua New Guineans.”
Farmers displaying and selling floriculture products during the Agricultural Innovations Show in Lae last Friday |
He said with the perceived national growth at 8%, bolstered by PNG LNG-related investments, the country faced the challenges of taking advantage of increased local food demand and at the same time an appreciating kina value which is both a plus and a minus.
Farmers learn about farm mechanisation during the Agricultural Innovations Show in Lae last Friday |
Kavanamur acknowledged the annual budgetary support of the national government to NARI, however, pointed out that the levels of funding to the institution had declined.
Goroka farmers exhibiting and promoting honey bee and honey bee products during the Agricultural Innovations Show in Lae last Friday |
Morobe Governor Luther Wenge and Office of Higher Education Director General Prof David Kavanamur launching the NARI Corporate Plan last Friday in Lae during the Agricultural Innovations Show |
Morris Orumu of NARI explaining the importance of chemistry analysis in agriculture to students during the Agricultural Innovations Show in Lae last Friday |
NARI scientists displaying technologies and information on their research during the Agricultural Innovations Show in Lae last Friday |
+that+was+launched+at+NARI+Bubia+last+Friday.jpg) |
Two future and potential farmers from Jiwaka with the NARI Strategy and Results Framework (Corporate Plan) that was launched at NARI Bubia last Friday |